Shaw Keller and its lawyers recognized for its “significant expertise litigating patent infringement suits” and “great written and oral arguments, sophisticated legal input and fantastic output.”

Chambers USA once again ranked Shaw Keller LLP and its lawyers amongst the best in its 2019 rankings. Clients particularly recognized Shaw Keller’s “knowledge of judges and a good ability to predict how they will operate and how best to approach them.” Partner John Shaw was described as having an “enviable reputation for his adroit representation of clients” in patent litigation matters.” Clients further noted John’s “very detailed knowledge of the jury venue and a very good instinct for jury selection and presentation.” Partner Karen Keller was noted as being “adept at advising clients in the pharmaceutical, veterinary and technology sectors on patent infringement and breach of contract claims.” One client noted that “[s]he has a good working relationship with the court and we appreciate her guidance, creativity and counsel.”